Bishop Museum - Kū a Lanakila!
by Sarah Kuaiwa, Brad Evans ʻŌpua
Kū a Lanakila! Expressions of Sovereignty in Early Territorial Hawaiʻi, 1900-1920
This exhibition delves into the ways Kānaka ʻŌiwi (Native Hawaiian people) asserted their presence and sovereignty during Hawaiʻi’s early territorial period through cultural and political expressions. ʻŌpua Mauka Bold is used for the exhibition wall text as well as digital and outdoor advertisement. Since the design process for the ʻŌpua typeface collection looked words in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) first and foremost, the typeface works especially well in this exhibition which includes many long Hawaiian words with ʻokina and kahakō diacritics. The use of the bold weight of ʻŌpua Mauka pairs nicely with the exhibition’s theme of loudly and boldly expressing soveriegnty and pride.