Pennypacker has 5 widths and 9 weights


Pennypacker is a sturdy and reliable sans serif, a versatile design full of personality. As a contemporary take on the Neue Moderne Grotesk lineage of early grotesks, the design is focused on stylish functionality – equally useful for packaging and poster design as it is for mobile apps and wayfinding. With its wide range of styles, the design is also perfectly suited for use in brand identity systems and publication design. The family includes 5 widths: Compressed, Condensed, Standard, SemiWide, and Wide, and 9 weights: Hairline, Extra Light, Light, Book, Regular, Medium, Bold, Extra Bold, and Black, for a total of 45 roman styles. Pennypacker is available as a single variable font, with weight and width axes, as well as smaller variable fonts for each individual width: Wide, SemiWide, Standard, Condensed, and Compressed.

Historical background: The Neue Moderne Grotesk lineage of typefaces originates from the matricies of Wagner & Schmidt, Leipzig in 1914 (Indra Kupferschmid, 2014). Pennypacker is inspired in particular by Aurora-Grotesk and Favorit-Grotesk, but also draws from the many siblings of this style, namely Annonce, Edel-Grotesk, Normal Grotesk, Hallo, and Flachdruck-Grotesk. After extensive digging through type specimens and ephemera, especially at San Francisco’s Letterform Archive with the invaluable guidance of Stephen Coles, the resulting design in Pennypacker is a curated synthesis of these printed materials optimized for use as a cohesive series of families for contemporary typesetting. Using variable font technology, it is now possible to access a wide spectrum of variations from these historical sources all contained in a single font file, including combinations that never existed. Rather than a strict revival, Pennypacker aims to build on the “everyday design” sensibility at the core of this genre of industrial grotesks and adapt it for use today.

Compressed in the narrowest width of Pennypacker ↓

This is Pennypacker Compressed Hairline

Pennypacker Comp Extra Light

Pennypacker Comp Light

Pennypacker Comp Book

Pennypacker Comp Regular

Pennypacker Comp Medium

Pennypacker Comp Bold

Pennypacker Comp Extra Bold

Pennypacker Comp Black

Condensed is slightly wider ↓

Cond Hairline is slightly wider

Cond Extra Light is slightly wider

Cond Light is slightly wider

Cond Book is slightly wider

Cond Regular is slightly wider

Cond Medium is slightly wider

Cond Bold is slightly wider

Cond Extra Bold is slightly wider

Cond Black is slightly wider

This is the “standard” width of Pennypacker ↓

Pennypacker Hairline is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Extra Light is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Light is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Book is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Regular is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Medium is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Bold is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Extra Bold is the “standard” width

Pennypacker Black is the “standard” width

SemiWide is pretty wide, but not the widest ↓

SemiWide Hairline is pretty wide

SemiWide Extra Light is pretty wide

SemiWide Light is pretty wide

SemiWide Book is pretty wide

SemiWide Regular is pretty wide

SemiWide Medium is pretty wide

SemiWide Bold is pretty wide

SemiWide Extra Bold is pretty wide

SemiWide Black is pretty wide

Pennypacker Wide is the widest of all ↓

Wide Hairline is the widest

Wide Extra Light is the widest

Wide Light is the widest

Wide Book is the widest

Wide Regular is the widest

Wide Medium is the widest

Wide Bold is the widest

Wide Extra Bold is the widest

Wide Black is the widest

OpenType features

Case sensitive forms

If you apply all-caps styling to text, an OpenType feature will change the default form of punctuation to one that better fits uppercase letters (CASE feature).

Fractions, superiors, and inferiors

Pennypacker includes OpenType features to set proper fractions (FRAC, NUMR and DNOM feature), along with superiors (SUPS feature) and inferior numerals (SINF feature).

Stylistic alternates

Pennypacker includes sets with stylistic alternate glyphs for a, f, g, and r.

Character set

0123456789​ ½ ¼ ¾ ​0123456789​⁄​0123456789​ ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉

Pennypacker Has 5 Widths
Pennypacker Has 5 Widths
Pennypacker Has 9 Weights
Pennypacker Has 9 Weights
Use Stylistic Set SS02 for alternate a
Use Stylistic Set SS02 for alternate a
Use Stylistic Set SS03 for alternate r
Use Stylistic Set SS03 for alternate r
Use Stylistic Set SS04 for alternate g
Use Stylistic Set SS04 for alternate g
Use Stylistic Set SS05 for alternate f
Use Stylistic Set SS05 for alternate f
Pennypacker Wide Book Italic ▾
  • Pennypacker Wide Hairline
  • Pennypacker Wide Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Light
  • Pennypacker Wide Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Book
  • Pennypacker Wide Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Regular
  • Pennypacker Wide Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Medium
  • Pennypacker Wide Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Bold
  • Pennypacker Wide Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Black
  • Pennypacker Wide Black Italic

PennypackerWideHairline PennypackerWideHairlineItalic PennypackerWideExtraLight PennypackerWideExtraLightItalic PennypackerWideLight PennypackerWideLightItalic PennypackerWideBook PennypackerWideBookItalic PennypackerWideRegular PennypackerWideItalic PennypackerWideMedium PennypackerWideMediumItalic PennypackerWideBold PennypackerWideBoldItalic PennypackerWideExtraBold PennypackerWideExtraBoldItalic PennypackerWideBlack PennypackerWideBlackItalic

studio sessions tape maze
club dweller video harvey
Pennypacker Condensed Extra Bold ▾
  • Pennypacker Condensed Hairline
  • Pennypacker Condensed Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Light
  • Pennypacker Condensed Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Book
  • Pennypacker Condensed Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Regular
  • Pennypacker Condensed Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Medium
  • Pennypacker Condensed Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Bold
  • Pennypacker Condensed Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Black
  • Pennypacker Condensed Black Italic

PennypackerCondensedHairline PennypackerCondensedHairlineItalic PennypackerCondensedExtraLight PennypackerCondensedExtraLightItalic PennypackerCondensedLight PennypackerCondensedLightItalic PennypackerCondensedBook PennypackerCondensedBookItalic PennypackerCondensedRegular PennypackerCondensedItalic PennypackerCondensedMedium PennypackerCondensedMediumItalic PennypackerCondensedBold PennypackerCondensedBoldItalic PennypackerCondensedExtraBold PennypackerCondensedExtraBoldItalic PennypackerCondensedBlack PennypackerCondensedBlackItalic

selvage session
club vinyl
Pennypacker Compressed Bold Italic ▾
  • Pennypacker Compressed Hairline
  • Pennypacker Compressed Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Compressed Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Light
  • Pennypacker Compressed Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Book
  • Pennypacker Compressed Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Regular
  • Pennypacker Compressed Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Medium
  • Pennypacker Compressed Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Bold
  • Pennypacker Compressed Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Compressed Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Compressed Black
  • Pennypacker Compressed Black Italic

PennypackerCompressedHairline PennypackerCompressedHairlineItalic PennypackerCompressedExtraLight PennypackerCompressedExtraLightItalic PennypackerCompressedLight PennypackerCompressedLightItalic PennypackerCompressedBook PennypackerCompressedBookItalic PennypackerCompressedRegular PennypackerCompressedItalic PennypackerCompressedMedium PennypackerCompressedMediumItalic PennypackerCompressedBold PennypackerCompressedBoldItalic PennypackerCompressedExtraBold PennypackerCompressedExtraBoldItalic PennypackerCompressedBlack PennypackerCompressedBlackItalic

Pennypacker Semi Wide Black ▾
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Hairline
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Light
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Book
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Regular
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Medium
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Bold
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Black
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Black Italic

PennypackerSemiWideHairline PennypackerSemiWideHairlineItalic PennypackerSemiWideExtraLight PennypackerSemiWideExtraLightItalic PennypackerSemiWideLight PennypackerSemiWideLightItalic PennypackerSemiWideBook PennypackerSemiWideBookItalic PennypackerSemiWideRegular PennypackerSemiWideItalic PennypackerSemiWideMedium PennypackerSemiWideMediumItalic PennypackerSemiWideBold PennypackerSemiWideBoldItalic PennypackerSemiWideExtraBold PennypackerSemiWideExtraBoldItalic PennypackerSemiWideBlack PennypackerSemiWideBlackItalic

Choreographer and dancer Deborah Hay often says, as a movement directive for performers, “turn your fucking head.” It’s anatomical and literal, but it is also psychological and phenomenological. It’s about what happens to your perception of space and time when you turn your head: to get un-stuck from wherever you think front is, to experience your surroundings, to add dimensionality to your perspective, to avoid tunnel-vision or spacing out. I think this makes a lot of sense, not just in the studio or onstage, but in the field at large. Looking to the side means not just seeing where I’m going or what’s in front of me, or being in a line of futures and pasts, but remembering to check out who’s with me. Looking to the side means remembering how much information, ideas, and wisdom my contemporaries, colleagues, and collaborators have that I don’t. As we share the same time, all these other perspectives bring what’s happening and what we are doing here into resolution, which makes the paths forward multiply, or the one I’m on feel wider and less lonely. In the art world, people aren’t encouraged to cite one another’s work that much, as if we should all be claiming originality and individual genius. I don’t believe in either of those things. We are all perceptual sponges. Our bodies are dirty containers through which everything passes and leaves a trace. Our minds are fully populated with arbitrary and curated collections of learned behaviors, patterns, beliefs, and concepts. What falls out when we move, act, speak, and create is not one of ours but all of ours. The people that are in and around me keep me company when I dance. Especially when I’m alone in the studio, that’s when I see and hear them the most; when I’m groping for tools and support in my practice, when I’m riffing and recognizing what’s in there, when I’m deciding where and how to start. I’m never alone in my bind (mind + body = bind) and thank goodness because it’d probably be boring and awkwardly narcissistic to look inward and find just one coherent thing I could call myself. I think dancers are often acutely aware of our own influences, as self-observation and understanding our patterns are among our most important tools. In this way, turning inward and turning our fucking heads are almost the same thing. In all of my dances, explicitly or implicitly, I nod to the many within and out there. – Eleanor Bauer, August 2019
Pennypacker Medium ▾
  • Pennypacker Hairline
  • Pennypacker Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Light
  • Pennypacker Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Book
  • Pennypacker Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Regular
  • Pennypacker Italic
  • Pennypacker Medium
  • Pennypacker Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Bold
  • Pennypacker Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Black
  • Pennypacker Black Italic

PennypackerHairline PennypackerHairlineItalic PennypackerExtraLight PennypackerExtraLightItalic PennypackerLight PennypackerLightItalic PennypackerBook PennypackerBookItalic PennypackerRegular PennypackerItalic PennypackerMedium PennypackerMediumItalic PennypackerBold PennypackerBoldItalic PennypackerExtraBold PennypackerExtraBoldItalic PennypackerBlack PennypackerBlackItalic

The above data would be amply sufficient, were it not for the fact that the airplane is constantly subjected to a wind of variable direction and strength. Since winds exert considerable influence, both on the speed and direction of an aircraft, the problem consists in determining the magnitude of the variations due to these aerial currents and in deducing from them the new orientation to be adopted in order to arrive at the point B. If the speed and direction of the wind were known, nothing would be simpler than to determine this new course. The following description of the method to be employed in this event is borrowed from Mr. Le Prieur. The problem to be solved, as presented to the pilot or observer of an aircraft, is as follows: The aircraft starting from A must land at B, the only data being the speed of the airplane, the altitude (which can be estimated with sufficient accuracy) and the orientation D of the course.
Pennypacker Semi Wide Light Italic ▾
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Hairline
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Light
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Book
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Regular
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Medium
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Bold
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Black
  • Pennypacker Semi Wide Black Italic

PennypackerSemiWideHairline PennypackerSemiWideHairlineItalic PennypackerSemiWideExtraLight PennypackerSemiWideExtraLightItalic PennypackerSemiWideLight PennypackerSemiWideLightItalic PennypackerSemiWideBook PennypackerSemiWideBookItalic PennypackerSemiWideRegular PennypackerSemiWideItalic PennypackerSemiWideMedium PennypackerSemiWideMediumItalic PennypackerSemiWideBold PennypackerSemiWideBoldItalic PennypackerSemiWideExtraBold PennypackerSemiWideExtraBoldItalic PennypackerSemiWideBlack PennypackerSemiWideBlackItalic

Pennypacker Light ▾
  • Pennypacker Hairline
  • Pennypacker Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Light
  • Pennypacker Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Book
  • Pennypacker Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Regular
  • Pennypacker Italic
  • Pennypacker Medium
  • Pennypacker Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Bold
  • Pennypacker Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Black
  • Pennypacker Black Italic

PennypackerHairline PennypackerHairlineItalic PennypackerExtraLight PennypackerExtraLightItalic PennypackerLight PennypackerLightItalic PennypackerBook PennypackerBookItalic PennypackerRegular PennypackerItalic PennypackerMedium PennypackerMediumItalic PennypackerBold PennypackerBoldItalic PennypackerExtraBold PennypackerExtraBoldItalic PennypackerBlack PennypackerBlackItalic

Pennypacker Wide Extra Light ▾
  • Pennypacker Wide Hairline
  • Pennypacker Wide Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Light
  • Pennypacker Wide Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Book
  • Pennypacker Wide Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Regular
  • Pennypacker Wide Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Medium
  • Pennypacker Wide Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Bold
  • Pennypacker Wide Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Wide Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Wide Black
  • Pennypacker Wide Black Italic

PennypackerWideHairline PennypackerWideHairlineItalic PennypackerWideExtraLight PennypackerWideExtraLightItalic PennypackerWideLight PennypackerWideLightItalic PennypackerWideBook PennypackerWideBookItalic PennypackerWideRegular PennypackerWideItalic PennypackerWideMedium PennypackerWideMediumItalic PennypackerWideBold PennypackerWideBoldItalic PennypackerWideExtraBold PennypackerWideExtraBoldItalic PennypackerWideBlack PennypackerWideBlackItalic

Pennypacker Condensed Black ▾
  • Pennypacker Condensed Hairline
  • Pennypacker Condensed Hairline Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Light
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Light
  • Pennypacker Condensed Light Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Book
  • Pennypacker Condensed Book Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Regular
  • Pennypacker Condensed Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Medium
  • Pennypacker Condensed Medium Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Bold
  • Pennypacker Condensed Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Bold
  • Pennypacker Condensed Extra Bold Italic
  • Pennypacker Condensed Black
  • Pennypacker Condensed Black Italic

PennypackerCondensedHairline PennypackerCondensedHairlineItalic PennypackerCondensedExtraLight PennypackerCondensedExtraLightItalic PennypackerCondensedLight PennypackerCondensedLightItalic PennypackerCondensedBook PennypackerCondensedBookItalic PennypackerCondensedRegular PennypackerCondensedItalic PennypackerCondensedMedium PennypackerCondensedMediumItalic PennypackerCondensedBold PennypackerCondensedBoldItalic PennypackerCondensedExtraBold PennypackerCondensedExtraBoldItalic PennypackerCondensedBlack PennypackerCondensedBlackItalic

All typefaces